2019 Capital Credits Assignment
News From Diverse Power

All members, except those with a different contract for electric service, are
hereby notified that Diverse Power’s patronage capital credit assignment
for the year 2019 is 1.56 percent, and the total amount of capital credits
being assigned is $1,431,297. Because of our structure as a cooperative,
each dollar a member pays in excess of the cost of providing electricity is an investment by that member in Diverse Power.
For every $100 you paid for power in 2019, we assign $1.56 to your
patronage capital credit account. Your capital credit assignment may be
calculated by multiplying your total electric bill for 2019 (less sales tax and miscellaneous items) times 1.56 percent.
For example:
$1,000 x .0156 = $15.60
$1,500 x .0156 = $23.40
$2,500 x .0156 = $39.00