For quick and easy responses to everyday concerns, check out our answers here to frequently asked questions. If you have a question or concern regarding Diverse Power Incorporated (DPI), don’t hesitate to call one of our customer service representatives at Main Office: (706) 845-2000 or Pataula Office: 229-732-3171.

What if:

You have a question about your electric account

DPI maintains a full time Customer Service Department ready to answer your questions or assist you with any problems. You may reach customer service by dialing or Main Office: (706)845-2000 or long distance 1-800-845-8362 or our Pataula Office: 229-732-3171 and our automated phone system will direct you to the Customer Service Department.

You have a power outage

1) First, go to your main electrical panel to see if a fuse has blown or a breaker has tripped. Fuses must be replaced while breakers need only be reset. If the problem is not in your main panel, call a neighbor to determine if other homes in the area have been affected. If the problem is not in your home’s wiring and if several homes are involved, then call DPI. Our dispatch office is open seven days a week, 24 hours a day, including holidays. You may also use our online form to report an outage.

2) Please have your account number ready when calling. This is very important when reporting an outage. This number acts as a guide so we can locate your house. If you know the cause of the outage, please describe it (example: A limb is on the line, a pole has been hit by a car, etc.). Informing us of the nature of the outage saves a great deal of our recovery time and your inconvenience. If you report the outage to us, be assured that we are doing our best to return service to you and leave the phone lines open for others to report outages. This will assure all repairs are made as quickly as possible for everyone.

3) Keep your refrigerator and freezer closed. According to the Extension Service food should keep up to 48 hours. If the outage should persist, arrangements should be made to store food at another location or dry ice should be purchased.

Someone in your household is on life support equipment

Such as a respirator or an infant heart monitor, don’t wait until an outage to notify us of these circumstances. Call us now at our office. These residences are given priority when services are reconnected. When this type of equipment is in use full-time, a generator may need to be considered.


There are downed power lines

Stay away from power lines on the ground and do not attempt to move trees or limbs from lines. We will take care of these emergencies as soon as possible.

  • Do not attempt to raise or move electric lines.
  • Consider any electric line dangerous. Electric lines may result in burns, injuries, or even death.
  • Keep all objects such as kites, ladders, and antennas away from power lines.
  • Inform DPI of any potential power line hazards including trees growing into the lines.
  • Never touch a person or object that is in contact with a power line.

You wish to relocate current account to another address

Call DPI at least (1) week in advance. DPI will make this change with only a small service charge.

You wish to discontinue your electric service

Call DPI at least (1) week prior to moving. There is no charge for this service. You will receive a final bill for the electricity you have used thus far. You will receive a refund for any deposits that you have not previously been refunded.

The current account holder becomes deceased

Beneficiaries should contact DPI to make necessary changes to the account information and determine if a capital credit refund is due.

You will be out of town when your payment is due

Notify DPI as soon as you know you are leaving town. You can pay us online or by calling our main number and using our automated payment option. If your payment is late, there will be a late charge.

You are currently late on a payment

Mail your payment, pay online or by calling our main number and using our automated payment option.


8AM – 5PM

Together, we’re bringing energy to life. Diverse Power is more than just your electric company, we’re your neighbor. A member-owned cooperative, we’re delivering advanced technology, service and quality to homes and businesses in the counties we serve.

1400 South Davis Road
P.O. Box 160
LaGrange, GA 30241

Pataula District
373 U. S. Hwy 82E
P.O. Box 289
Cuthbert, GA 39840

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