
Diverse Power will sponsor three local high school students on an all-expense paid trip to Washington, D.C. The three students, along with other participants from around the state, will begin the tour on June 13, 2025 and will conclude the tour with their arrival back in Atlanta on June 20, 2025.

The tour is an excellent chance for the students to see the Capitol of our nation, as well as meet other high school students from around the country. It is an opportunity to learn about our government and the history of our nation – all this for free! Please review the enclosed entry rules and guidelines. If you have any questions, please contact our office at 706-845-2000, extension 415.

School administrators are encouraged to make as many copies as needed to distribute to schools and students within your system. Deliver entries NO LATER THAN January 27, 2025 to:

Niki Cadenhead
Diverse Power
P.O. Box 160
1400 South Davis Road
LaGrange, Georgia 30241
Enc. Diverse Power Washington Youth Tour

Any student who has previously participated in the Washington Youth Tour is not eligible to enter the contest. The student must be at least 16 years of age at the time of the tour. Only those students whose parents or legal guardians receive electric service from Diverse Power are eligible to enter the contest. Each contest participant must submit a 500 word autobiography. The autobiography should include information on the applicant’s involvement in the community, awards, achievements, affiliations, etc.

A contest entry form must be submitted by each participant. Personal interviews will be conducted with all applicants to assist the panel in selecting contest winners. The contest winners will be selected by a panel of judges based on the essays, the information provided on the contest entry forms and the personal interviews.

2025 Washington Youth Tour Application


8AM – 5PM

Together, we’re bringing energy to life. Diverse Power is more than just your electric company, we’re your neighbor. A member-owned cooperative, we’re delivering advanced technology, service and quality to homes and businesses in the counties we serve.

1400 South Davis Road
P.O. Box 160
LaGrange, GA 30241

Pataula District
373 U. S. Hwy 82E
P.O. Box 289
Cuthbert, GA 39840

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