Service Rules and Regulations

Application for Membership

Any person or persons desiring the purchase of electric energy from Diverse Power Incorporated (DPI) shall make application for such service.
1) The applicant will pay DPI the sum of $5.00 which, if this application is accepted by DPI, will constitute the applicant’s membership fee.
2) The applicant will, when electric service becomes available, purchase from DPI all electric energy used on the premises and will pay therefore monthly at the rate applicable.
3) The applicant will cause his premises to be wired in accordance with wiring specifications approved by DPI.
4) The applicant will comply with and be bound by the provisions of the Charter and Bylaws of DPI, and such rules and regulations as may from time to time be adopted by DPI.
5) The acceptance of application by DPI shall constitute an agreement between the applicant and DPI, and the contract for electric service shall continue in force until canceled by either party.


A $5.00 membership fee from each new member for the initial service before service is received shall be collected.

Deposits for residential accounts from each new member shall be determined by a BEACON score obtained from a credit report as follows:

>650 – No deposit necessary

600-649 – An initial security deposit will be the equivalent of up to one time the estimated highest monthly bill.

<600 – An initial security deposit will be the equivalent of up to two times the estimated highest monthly bill.

When an estimate cannot be determined, a minimum deposit of $300 will be assessed.

$15.00 connection charge for new members and account transfers.

Standard Supply Voltage

One system of alternating current, 60 Hertz, is supplied throughout DPI’s system.

The voltage, number of phases, and type of metering, which will be supplied, depends upon DPI’s facilities available and upon the character, size and location of the load to be served.

Therefore, the consumer shall consult DPI before proceeding with the purchase or installation of wiring or equipment. To avoid misunderstanding, this information should be in writing.

The standard secondary voltages described below are nominal and are subject to a plus or minus 10 percent variation.

Single-phase, 2 wire, 120 volts
Single-phase, 3 wire, 120/240 volts
Three-phase, 120/208 volts
Three-phase, 120/240 volts
Three-phase, 240/480 volts
Three-phase, 277/480 volts

Interruption of and Notification

DPI shall notify in advance, by mail or telephone, all consumers that will be affected when an interruption of service is planned for any considerable length of time to a line for the purpose of making changes or repairs.

Purchase of Electric Energy

Each member shall purchase from DPI all of his/her electric energy requirements and shall pay monthly rates which shall from time to time be fixed by resolution of the Board of Directors.

Electric energy furnished by DPI to any member may be limited to such an amount as determined by the Board of Directors.  Each member shall pay to DPI such minimum amount per month as shall be fixed by the Board of Directors regardless of the amount of energy used.  Each member shall pay his or her obligations when they become due and payable to DPI.

DPI shall not permit the resale of electricity by its members or consumers to others.


The DPI office will be open from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. each day, Monday through Friday.

The DPI drive-through will be open from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. each day, Monday through Friday.

Area Coverage and Line Extension

Overhead Line Extensions

  1. 1.) It shall be the policy of Diverse Power to extend single-phase overhead electric facilities to an applicant upon receipt and acceptance of an application for service as well as but not limited to: (1) an easement (2) other applicable contracts. These facilities will be extended following sound engineering practices and the appropriate fee schedule will be applied.
  2. 2.) Primary overhead lines that are constructed parallel to county or state maintained roads or highways that could be used to serve multiple points of service may be constructed by Diverse Power and may not require contribution.
  3. 3.) A single-phase overhead line extension may be constructed up to 1000 feet to a permanent residence at no charge to the customer. In the case of multiple residences in an area, the average extension shall be no greater than 500 feet. Should a line extension exceed 1000 feet, a contribution may be required based upon the estimated annual revenue and the estimated cost of the line extension.
  4. 4.) Diverse Power will provide single-phase secondary service extensions to non-permanent residences and to other points of service based upon sound engineering practices. If overhead single-phase primary is necessary, Diverse Power may construct facilities for a contribution based upon the estimated line extension cost.
  5. 5.) Three phase primary and service will be extended on a case-by-case basis. Estimated line extension cost and estimated annual revenue will be reviewed and contribution may be required.

Underground Line Extensions

  1. 1.) It shall be the policy of Diverse Power to extend underground electric facilities for permanent residences in a designated underground service area to an applicant upon receipt and acceptance of a completed application for service, as well as but not limited to: (1) an underground contract and disclosure form; (2) an easement (3) any other applicable contracts. These facilities will be extended following sound engineering practices and the appropriate fee schedule will be applied.
  2. 2.) Diverse Power will construct underground facilities to a permanent residence for a minimum contribution of $450. Additional contribution may be required based upon the estimated annual revenue and the estimated cost of the line extension.
  3. 3.) Diverse Power may construct single-phase underground facilities to non-permanent residences and other points of service for a minimum contribution of $450. Additional contribution may be required based upon the estimated annual revenue and the estimated cost of the line extension.
  4. 4.) Three phase underground primary and service will be extended on a case-by-case basis. Estimated line extension cost and estimated annual revenue will be reviewed and contribution may be required.

Temporary Line Extensions

The guidelines for overhead and underground line extension do not apply to temporary line extensions. Temporary line extensions are defined as service to events like fairs, carnivals, fruit stands, and similar locations or structures where facilities may be removed or not used and the meter disconnected after the cessation of the event.

  1. 1.) When a non-permanent line extension is desired at a location already connected to the distribution system and DPI has no expense to connect other than metering equipment no contribution is required.
  2. 2.) When a non-permanent line extension is desired at a location which is not already connected to the distribution system, the applicant will pay in advance the estimated cost to construct and dismantle the facilities less any salvage value.

Outdoor Lights

Outdoor lights will be served as follows:

  1. 1.) The customer is required to sign a one (5) year lease from the date of installation of a new outdoor light and will be required to sign a one (1) year lease for an existing light. The lease will continue unless the customer notifies DPI to disconnect the outdoor light. If the customer desires to disconnect the outdoor light before the lease is expired, then the customer is responsible to pay for the remaining life of the lease.
  2. 2.) The equipment shall remain the property of DPI and shall have the right of ingress and egress for the purpose of inspection and maintenance of equipment. On termination or expiration of contract, DPI will have the right to remove the equipment from the premises if the customer does not wish to continue to lease.
  3. 3.) A stand-alone yard light pole may be relocated at the request of the customer. The cost of relocating the light shall be charged to the person requesting the relocation.
  4. 4.) Charges for outdoor light service shall be charged under DPI’s Outdoor Lighting Schedule.

Notwithstanding the aforementioned policies, DPI may determine the policies to be non- applicable to certain situations and will then ascertain a proper course.

Relocation of Facilities

DPI’s facilities shall be relocated as follows:

  1. 1.) Poles and other facilities of DPI for individuals shall be done only with the approval of management and upon payment of the estimated costs of the relocation by the individual.
  2. 2.) Relocations for county, state and federal roads shall be made upon their official request. The government agency shall be billed appropriately at the completion of work on an actual cost basis.
  3. 3.) Relocations for new developments or subdivisions shall be made without cost except for existing three phase primary lines.  Relocations in existing developments and subdivisions shall be handled in the same manner as described in paragraph 1 above.

Service Connections, Member Wiring and Member Equipment

Service Connections

 The wiring and electrical equipment in or upon the premises of the consumer to the point of service cut-in must have the approval of the constituted authority of the local government agency, or any other constituted authority, if any, and must conform to the requirements of the National Electrical Code, the Service Regulations of DPI and any other lawfully applicable standards before it can be connected to the system.  A booklet entitled “Residential Wiring Requirements” is available at the headquarters office.  The location of the service cut-in shall be determined by agreement with a representative of DPI and must conform to DPI’s wiring requirements. The consumer shall provide suitable means of supporting service wires to his building which will provide the minimum ground clearance and give adequate clearance over driveways and other obstructions as provided by the National Electric Code.  DPI shall not be required to build without cost to the applicant more service line than is necessary to reach the cut-in point as agreed to by DPI.

DPI’s responsibility to installation and/or maintenance of facilities shall not extend beyond the point of attachment to the consumer’s building, central distribution point or the meter.

When the consumer service requirements are of such a nature that a central distribution point be located on a pole, DPI will furnish and install the central distribution point pole for the attachment of DPI’s service facilities and the consumer may attach his required to the pole.

General Wiring Requirements

Each consumer shall cause all premises receiving electric service pursuant to his membership to become wired in accordance with the requirements of the National Electrical Code. Each consumer shall be responsible for and shall indemnify DPI and any other person against injury, loss, or damage resulting from any defect and/or improper use of maintenance of such premises and all wiring and apparatus connected thereto or used thereon.  In no event shall the responsibility of DPI extend beyond the point at which its service wires are attached to the meter loop provided for measuring electricity used on such premises.

Member Equipment

Electric Motors
DPI should always be consulted on motor installations other than motors used in normal home appliances.

It is the characteristic of most electric motors to draw a heavy momentary current when starting; which may result in variation of the voltage supplied to the other consumers who receive service form the same circuits or transformer. DPI shall limit when necessary the amount of starting current which may be drawn by a motor.

All motors should be provided with devices that will protect the motor against overload and short circuit as defined in the National Electrical Code. All three-phase motors shall have overload devices on each of the three-phase motors to insure proper protection for the motor.

The direction of phase rotation and the continuity of all three phase current are guarded with great care, but DPI cannot guarantee against accidental or temporary change in phase rotation or phase failure; therefore, motors shall be equipped with suitable protection against such reversal or phase failure.

Electric Tankless Water Heaters
Consumers desiring to install electric tankless water heaters must supply DPI with information regarding the electrical requirements and characteristics of said device. Service will not be allowed that will adversely affect DPI’s equipment or the service to other customers. If a consumer installs any equipment that requires DPI to upgrade its delivery service (transformers, meters, etc.), then the consumer will be required to pay a contribution in aid of construction in an amount not to exceed 100% of the actual cost to upgrade the electric facilities as deemed appropriate by DPI in its sole discretion. Payment shall be made prior to installation of the equipment by the consumer.

Electric Generators
Where auxiliary or breakdown service is installed by the consumer to provide emergency power, parallel operation of the consumer’s generating equipment with DPI’s system will not be allowed.  A double throw switch must be used to prevent possible injury to DPI workmen by making it impossible for power to be fed back into the main line from the emergency generator.

Electric Welders and Miscellaneous Devices
Consumers desiring to operate electric welders or other devices with high inrush or fluctuating currents must supply DPI with information regarding the electrical characteristics of the equipment. Service will not be allowed to equipment which adversely affects DPI’s equipment or the service to other consumers.

DPI must be consulted before the purchase or installation of the equipment.

Consumer Responsibility for Protective Devices
All protective devices required by these regulations shall be provided by the consumer and at the consumer’s sole expense.

Power Factor Corrections

The maintenance of high power factor is of primary importance in the economic operation and maintenance of the distribution system. Under-loaded motors contribute largely to the creation of a low power factor unfavorable to both DPI and the consumer.

Where the overall power factor of the consumer’s load is less than 85% lagging, DPI may require the consumer to install at his own expense, equipment to correct the power factor. DPI reserves the right to measure the power factor at any time.

Phase Load Balance

When multi-phase service is furnished, the consumer will at all times maintain a reasonable balance of load between the phases.

Distributed Generation

A. Definition

The following words and terms shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:

1.) “Billing period” means, as to a particular customer, the time period between the dates on which the Cooperative normally reads the retail service meter for billing purposes.

2.) “Bi-directional meter” is a meter capable of measuring (but not necessarily displaying) electricity flow in both directions.

3.) “Bi-directional metering” means measuring the amount of electricity supplied by the Cooperative and the amount of electricity fed back to the Cooperative by the customer’s distributed generation facility using a single meter.

4.) “Customer” means a member of Diverse Power.

5.) “Customer Generator” means a customer who is the owner and operator of a distributed generation facility.

6.) “Distributed generation facility” means a facility owned and operated by a customer of the Cooperative for the production of electrical energy that:
a. Uses a fuel cell or a renewable energy source;
b. Has peak generating capacity of not more than ten kW for a residential application and one hundred and twenty-five percent of the actual or expected maximum annual peak demand of the premises the solar technology serves, for a commercial application.
c. Is located on the customer’s premises;
d. Operates in parallel with the Cooperative’s distribution facilities;
e. Is connected to the Cooperative’s distribution system on either side of the Cooperative’s retail service meter; and
f. Is intended primarily to offset part or all of the customer generator’s requirements for electricity.

7.“Excess net energy” is the positive difference between the electricity generated by the customer’s distributed generation facility and the electricity consumed by the Customer Generator during the billing period.

8.“Net metering customer” means a Customer Generator receiving net metering service.

9.“Net metering” means measuring the difference, over the billing period, between electricity supplied to a Customer Generator from the electric grid and the electricity generated and fed into the electric grid by the Customer Generator, using a bi-directional meter or an additional single direction meter.

10.“Renewable energy sources” means energy supplied from technologies such as a solar photovoltaic system, wind turbine, biomass system, or other technologies approved in the Georgia Green Pricing Accreditation Program.

B. Application Process

A prospective Customer Generator that intends to interconnect with the Cooperative’s distribution system must:
(1) Submit a completed Application for Interconnection of Distributed Generation Facility (see Appendix A), including all attachments thereto, accompanied by payment of a $100.00 application fee to the Cooperative at least forty-five (45) days prior to the date the customer intends to interconnect the distributed generation facility to the Cooperative’s electric distribution facilities;

(2) A representative from Diverse Power will review the Application and notify the prospective customer generator within thirty (30) days if the Application is approved or not approved. Any review or acceptance of the Application by the Cooperative shall not impose any liability on the Cooperative and does not guarantee the adequacy of the customer generator’s equipment to perform its intended function. The Cooperative disclaims any expertise or special knowledge relating to the design or performance of the customer’s distributed generation facility and does not warrant the efficiency, cost-effectiveness, safety, durability, or reliability of that distributed generation facility.

C. Requirements for Initial Interconnection

  1. 1.) A Customer Generator may begin operation of his distributed generation facility on an interconnected basis when:
    a. The Application Process set forth in Section B above has been completed;
    b. The customer has executed the Distributed Generation Facility Interconnection Agreement with the Cooperative and is in compliance with all requirements set forth therein, including all applicable safety, power quality, and interconnection requirements established by the National Electric Code, National Electric Safety Code, the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, and Underwriters Laboratories. The Cooperative may adopt additional safety, power quality, and interconnection requirements.
    c. The Customer Generator has paid to the Cooperative all applicable charges and fees set forth in the Distributed Generation Facility Interconnection Agreement.
    d. The Customer Generator has made all payments required by and has otherwise complied with the conditions for extension or modification of the Cooperative’s distribution system as may be determined herein and as set forth in the Cooperative’s service rules and regulations.
    e. The Customer Generator has submitted to the Cooperative a copy of the final, signed, jurisdictional approval (Permit) for the customer’s distributed generation facility from local government entity with jurisdiction over the customer’s distributed generation facility (generally the local building and inspection department).
    f. The Cooperative has provided the Customer Generator with written authorization to begin parallel operation of his distributed generation facility.

D. Net Metering

The Cooperative will use either a single-directional or bi-directional meter depending upon how the distributed generation facility is connected to the distribution system. If the distributed generation facility is connected to the distribution system on the Customer Generator’s side of the retail service meter, the Cooperative will use a bi-directional meter for net metering. If the distributed generation facility is connected to the distribution system on the Cooperative’s side of the retail service meter, the Cooperative will install an additional single directional meter for net metering at the member’s expense.

E. Obligations to Purchase Excess Net Energy

When the electricity generated by the Customer Generator’s distributed generation facility exceeds the electricity supplied by the Cooperative during the billing period, the Customer Generator shall receive payment for the excess net energy pursuant to the Cooperative’s Net Metering Service, RiderNM-1. However, the Cooperative will only be required to purchase such energy from Customer Generators on a first-come, first-served basis until the cumulative generating capacity of all the Customer Generators’ renewable energy resources equals 0.2 percent of the Cooperative’s annual peak demand in the previous year.

F. Charges for Interconnection And Net Metering

The Customer Generator shall be responsible for all costs of installing, operating and maintaining protective equipment and/or electrical facilities required to interconnect with the Cooperative’s distribution system. The Customer Generator shall be charged for the direct cost incurred by the Cooperative as a result of the interconnection and for providing net metering service. Said charges will be determined in accordance with the Cooperative’s Net Metering Service, Rider NM-1.

Consumer Rate Classification

Rate Schedule Availability

When two or more rates are available for certain classes of service, the conditions under which each is applicable to the requirements for the individual consumer are plainly set forth in DPI’s published rate schedules.  The choice of such rates lies with the consumer.

DPI will at any time upon request advise any consumer as to the rate best adapted to existing or anticipated service requirements as defined by the consumer, but DPI does not assume responsibility for the selection of such a rate or for the continuance of the lower annual cost under the rate selected should the volume or character of service change.

A consumer having selected a rate adapted to his service may not change to another rate within a 12-month period unless there is a substantial change in the character or conditions of his service.  A new consumer will be given reasonable opportunity to determine his service requirements before definitely selecting the most favorable rate therefore.

Filing of Rate Schedules

A copy of DPI’s applicable retail rates shall be on file at the Georgia Public Service Commission, and will be provided at the headquarters office of DPI in LaGrange, Georgia.

Metering, Meter Reading, Billing and Collection

Electric Meters

All meter bases shall be installed on an exterior surface as near as possible to eye level. Upon receipt of the application for service, a representative of DPI will, upon request, survey the premises to be served and locate the meter center in the most convenient and satisfactory location.

All meters shall be placed ahead of all switches and fuses unless otherwise agreed to by DPI.

Meter Reading

All electric meters of DPI shall be read monthly by automatic system or DPI personnel on a prearranged schedule.  Statements will be prepared the day following the reading of each route as nearly as possible.  Statements for electric service are considered due and payable when received by the consumer.


If payment for electric service is not received within 20 days of the date billed, the account is assumed delinquent and a delinquent notice will be mailed to the consumer including a minimum penalty of $10 or 1% whichever is the greater.

If payment is not received by the date specified on the delinquent notice, service shall be subject to disconnect without further notice.  Accounts delinquent for more than 30 days  shall be subject to disconnect and a $10.00 collection fee will be required.   If service is disconnected for non-payment, payment of the account in arrears including a reconnection charge of $30.00 plus the appropriate deposit amount (if one does not exist) must be made to the Cooperative by the consumer before the service may be restored.  If service is restored after hours, weekends, or holidays, a reconnection fee of $60.00 will be charged instead of the regular $30.00 reconnection fee.

Penalty Exempt

Consumers over age 62, on Social Security, or adjudicated disabled will qualify to become exempt from penalty.

Levelized Billing

A system of levelized billing has been approved by the Board of Directors for all residential members of Diverse Power.  Both new and existing members with acceptable credit history may apply. The credit history will be based on the same standards as the Diverse Power deposits. The levelized bill will be based on the average consumption for the most recent 12 month’s usage.  Members with less than 12 months billing history will be billed on the average of whatever history is available and adjusted monthly until 12 month’s history is available.  The bill amount will not be the same each month but will increase or decrease slightly as the consumption pattern changes.  The real benefit to the members will be to prevent extreme fluctuations in payments because of seasonal increases and decreases in power used. The member will continue to pay the same rate as all other members.

Returned Checks

When a check is received in payment of a consumer’s account and is returned unpaid by the bank for any reason (not the fault of DPI) DPI will notify the consumer by letter.

You are hereby notified that your payment by check payable to Diverse Power on the account listed above for the amount listed above has been dishonored. Pursuant to Georgia law, you have ten days from the date of this notice to tender payment of the full amount of the check or instrument plus a service charge of $25.00 or 5% of the face amount of the check or instrument, whichever is greater, plus the amount of any fees charged to the holder of the instrument by a bank or financial institution as a result of the instrument not being honored.  Unless this amount is paid in full within the 10-day period, the holder of the check or instrument may file a civil suit against you for two times the amount of the check or instrument, but in no case more than $500.00.  In addition, the payment of the check or instrument plus any court costs incurred by the payee taking the action.

When the Cooperative has received two returned checks from an individual within a period of 12 months, the Cooperative will not accept a check as payment for the consumer’s account.

Transfer Fees, Temporary Service Fees, Meter Tests and Other Related Charges

In order to assure that every member is treated on a fair and uniform basis, it shall be the policy of DPI to charge for the services required when transferring meters, testing meters, and building temporary services.

These charges shall be established to recover the related costs involved as nearly as possible.

List of Transfer Fees, Temporary Service Fees, Meter Tests and Other Related Charges

Transfer Fee (Existing Accounts) – $15.00

Temporary Service Fee (Same as Connection Fee) – $15.00

Meter Test Fee (Single-phase service and Single CT (Multiplier) Meter Service- $30.00 Meter Test Fee (Three-phase service) – $30.00

Customer Outage Fee After Hours (Customer Problem) – $40.00

Cut Meter Seal Fee – $50.00

Tampering With DPI Equipment

 DPI will take any action deemed necessary if it is determined that someone has tampered with DPI Equipment.

All meters owned and installed by DPI will be sealed and all meter bases on which DPI meters are installed with be sealed. Meter base seals will be broken or removed only by employees of DPI, except when DPI employee authorizes another person, such as an electrician or fireman, to break the meter seal and remove the meter from the base in cases warranting such action.  A record of such action will be filed in the records of DPI and the meter base resealed as soon as practical.

When DPI has reasonable evidence that a member is obtaining part or all of his electricity by any method that interferes with the proper metering of electric service, or has made an unauthorized connection to obtain electric service, a bill will be presented to the member.

The bill will be due immediately, and the service may be disconnected at any time unless paid in full.  The bill will include charges for estimated unmetered service plus any penalties and other applicable charges as determined by DPI.

These actions are in accordance with Official Code of Georgia Ann. 16-7-25 — Damaging, injuring or interfering with this meter or related equipment is unlawful and can result in prosecution.


  1. 1.) $200.00 investigation
  2. 2.) Current and past due charges for electric
  3. 3.) Charges for unmetered
  4. 4.) Reimbursement for any damaged
  5. 5.) Security deposit of $250.00 or two months estimated bill whichever is greater.
  6. 6.) Cut seal fee of $50.00.

Extension of Credit

DPI may deviate from its policy on cut-offs for delinquent bills only in accordance with the following standards:

  1. 1.) When it is determined that enforcement of the policy will constitute an undue hardship in relation to the amount of the delinquent bill and that extension of credit for a fixed time, or arrangement for installment payment of the bill, will not unduly impair DPI’s ability to effectuate final collection of the bill; or
  2. 2.) When the consumer involved establishes to the satisfaction of DPI that his failure to pay the bill has resulted from some mistakes on DPI’s part or some mistake for which the consumer was not responsible; or
  3. 3.) When the involved bill is a final bill covering service to a farm, house, or residential account and main building thereof has been destroyed by fire not caused by act of arson on the part of the consumer or his family; or
  4. 4.) When to disconnect service might pose immediate danger to the consumer or other persons due to illness or when the household is immediately and directly affected by a death.

Billing Adjustments

In the event of an error relating to an electric bill or security light, adjustments are to be made in compliance with the Public Service Commission rules as follows:

  1. 1.) Billing adjustments for electric service may be adjusted for any period of time within six months from the date of notification.
  2. 2.) Security light adjustments for incorrect billing may be adjusted for any period of time within four (4) years, which fulfills the statute of limitation requirements.

Easements, Right of Access and DPI Property

Member to Grant Easements to DPI if Required

Each consumer shall, upon being requested to do so by DPI, execute and deliver to DPI grants of easement or rights of way over, on and under such lands owned by the consumer, and in accordance with such reasonable terms and conditions, as DPI shall require for the furnishing of electric service to him or for the construction of other facilitates necessary for furnishing service to others or for transmitting power between two or more otherwise unconnected points on DPI’s system.

Right of Access

DPI’s identified employees shall have the right to access to consumer’s premises at all reasonable times for the purpose of reading meters, testing, repairing, removing, maintaining, or exchanging any or all equipment and facilities which are the property of DPI.

General Conditions for Member Withdrawal

A member may voluntarily withdraw in good standing from membership upon compliance with the generally applicable conditions set forth following:

  1. 1.) Payment of any and all amounts due DPI, and cessation of any non-compliance with his/her membership obligations; all as of the effective date of withdrawal; and either
  2. 2.) Removal to other premises not furnished service by DPI; or
  3. 3.) Ceasing to use any central station electric service whatever at any of the premises to which such service has been furnished by DPI pursuant to his/her membership.

Upon such withdrawal, the member shall be entitled to refund of his membership fee and of any service connection or security deposit then held by DPI.


8AM – 5PM

Together, we’re bringing energy to life. Diverse Power is more than just your electric company, we’re your neighbor. A member-owned cooperative, we’re delivering advanced technology, service and quality to homes and businesses in the counties we serve.

1400 South Davis Road
P.O. Box 160
LaGrange, GA 30241

Pataula District
373 U. S. Hwy 82E
P.O. Box 289
Cuthbert, GA 39840

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